Looping Problems
- I'd like to start by taking a look at a few head scratchers
- We will be revisiting these at the end of the talk, so I don't expect you to remember these
- I just want you to note that there are a few confusing things that we'll have resolutions for by the end of the talk
Looping Twice
>>> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 5, 7]
>>> squares = (n**2 for n in numbers)
>>> tuple(squares)
(1, 4, 9, 25, 49)
>>> sum(squares)
- `numbers` here is a list
- `squares` is a generator **(click)**
- this generator will give us the squares of each of those numbers
- If we pass this generator to the tuple constructor **(click)** it will make a tuple out of it **(click)**
- And if we pass the generator to the `sum` function **(click)** we'll get the sum of all the squared numbers
- **(click)** But the sum is `0`... but we expected a much bigger number
- So that's one oddity
Containment Checking
>>> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 5, 7]
>>> squares = (n**2 for n in numbers)
>>> 9 in squares
>>> 9 in squares
- If we ask whether `9` is in this generator **(click)**, Python will tell us this is `True` **(click)**
- 9 *is* in this generator
- If we ask the *same question* again **(click)**, Python will tell us this time, that it's `False` **(click)**
- We asked the same question twice and Python gave us two different answers.
- That's a little weird
>>> counts = {'apples': 2, 'oranges': 1}
>>> x, y = counts
>>> x
- This dictionary has two key-value pairs
- If we try to unpack this dictionary into two variables **(click)**, you might think we'll get an error
- But we don't **(click)**... we can unpack dictionaries
- Okay that's a little odd, but let's just go with it
- You might expect at this point that `x` and `y` at this point are tuples of key-value pairs
- **(click)** But you'd be wrong.
- `x` and `y` are not tuples of key-value pairs... they're keys.
- That's a little weird also. We'll come back to that at the end of this talk.
Review Time
- We will explain what's going on in those examples by the end of this talk
- Now let's do a little bit of review
- I'd like to review loops, iterables, and sequences
- I want to review what these terms mean and how they work in Python
C-style for loop
let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 5, 7];
for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length; i += 1) {
- This is not Python code.
- This is a traditional C-style `for` loop, written in JavaScript
- In this loop, we start with `i` set to `0`, we check whether `i` is less than the length of the `numbers` array, we loop, and we increment `i` by 1 each time we loop
- Once the condition is no longer true, we'll stop looping **(click)**
- So this `for` loop will print out each item in the array
- *(pause)* Python **does not** have this kind of `for` loop
- What we *do* have in Python is a for-*in* loop, which many programming languages call a **foreach loop**
Python for loop
numbers = [1, 2, 3, 5, 7]
for n in numbers:
- This is a `for` loop in Python
- In this `for` we're looping over each item in our list and printing those items out **(click)**
- Python `for` loops don't have any index variables, index lookups, or index incrementing
- Python's `for` loops magically do *all the work* of looping over our `numbers` list for us
- So Python doesn't have traditional C-style `for` loops
- We do have something that we call a `for` loop but it works differently
Iterables are iter-able
for item in some_iterable:
- *If* you can loop over something with a `for` loop in Python, *it is* an iterable
- And... if something *is* an iterable, you can loop over it with a `for` loop
- So if you're not sure what that word iterable means, it means anything that you iterate over
- Iterables can be looped over and anything that can be looped over is an iterable
>>> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 5, 7]
>>> coordinates = (4, 5, 7)
>>> words = "hello there"
>>> numbers[0]
>>> coordinates[2]
>>> words[4]
- Sequences are a very common type of iterable
- **(click)** Lists are sequences, **(click)** tuples are sequences, **(click)** and strings are sequences
- **(click)** Sequences are iterables which can be indexed starting from ``0`` and ending at one less than the length of the sequence **(click)**
- **(click)** Lists, tuples, strings and *all other* sequences can be indexed this way
Other iterables
>>> my_set = {1, 2, 3}
>>> my_dict = {'k1': 'v1', 'k2': 'v2'}
>>> my_file = open('some_file.txt')
>>> squares = (n**2 for n in my_set)
>>> from itertools import count
>>> c = count()
- *Lots* of things in Python are iterables
- But *many* iterables in Python are **not** sequences
- **(click)** Sets are iterables
- **(click)** Dictionaries are iterables
- **(click)** Files are iterables
- **(click)** And generators are iterables
- **(click)** There are even infinitely long iterables, like `count` objects from the `itertools` module in the standard library
- *None* of these iterables are sequences
What we know
Python doesn't have traditional for
Python does have a flavor of foreach
loops which we call for
Anything that can be looped over in Python is an iterable
Sequences are a special type of iterable
Not all iterables are sequences
- So Python doesn't have traditional `for` loops
- But we do have something that we call a `for` loop
- Anything that can be looped over with a `for` loop is an iterable
- Sequences are just one type of iterable, but there are many other types of iterables
- So we're done with review at this point...
Iterators power for
- Under the hood, Python's for loops rely on something called an **iterator**
- Iterators are the thing that powers `for` loops in Python
- You can get an iterator from any iterable in Python-
- And you can use an iterator to manually loop over an iterable
- Let's take a look at how that works
Iterables can give you iterators
>>> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 5, 7]
>>> coordinates = (4, 5, 7)
>>> words = "hello there"
>>> iter(numbers)
<list_iterator object at 0x7f2b9271c860>
>>> iter(coordinates)
<tuple_iterator object at 0x7f2b9271ce80>
>>> iter(words)
<str_iterator object at 0x7f2b9271c860>
- We have three iterables here: a list, a tuple, and a string
- We can ask each of these for an *iterator* using Python's built-in **`iter` function** **(click)**
- Passing an iterable to the `iter` function will always give us back an iterator **(click)**, no matter what type of iterable we're working with
- Lists, strings, and tuples are all iterables **(click)**
- And every iterable will provide us with an iterator when we pass it to the built-in `iter` function
Iterators can give the next item
>>> numbers = [1, 2, 3]
>>> iterator = iter(numbers)
>>> next(iterator)
>>> next(iterator)
>>> next(iterator)
>>> next(iterator)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
- Once we *have* an iterator, there is *only* one thing that we can do with it **(click)**: **get its next item**
- **(click)** We can use Python's built-in `next` function to get the *next* item **(click)** from *any* iterator
- And if you ask for the `next` item and there are **no more items** **(click)**, you'll get a `StopIteration` exception
- So you can get an iterator from every iterable
- And the only thing that you can do with iterators is ask them for their next item
- And if they don't have a next item you'll get an exception
- So you can think of iterators as kind of like one-directional tally counters, with a broken reset button
- They keep track of where they are as you ask them for their next item
- But they only go in one direction
- And they cannot be reset
- Iterators are one-directional tally-counts without a reset button
- Iterators are *also* kind of like a Hello Kitty PEZ dispenser that cannot be reloaded
- When you take a PEZ out, it's gone
- And once the dispenser is empty, it's useless
- Iterators are Hello Kitty PEZ dispensers that cannot be reloaded
A For Loop
def funky_for_loop(iterable, action_to_do):
for item in iterable:
- Now that we know about iterators, we're going to try manually looping over an iterable once again
- We'll do that, by turning this `for` loop into a `while` loop
- We've already established that we can't use *indexes* to loop over an arbitrary iterables
- But we *can* get iterators from iterables
- And we can repeatedly get the next item from an iterator to loop over that iterable
- So that's what we're going to do
Looping without a for
def funky_for_loop(iterable, action_to_do):
iterator = iter(iterable)
done_looping = False
while not done_looping :
item = next(iterator)
except StopIteration:
done_looping = True
- In order to manually loop over an iterable **(click)** we need to get an iterator from it
- Then we can loop repeatedly **(click)**
- And get the *next* item from the iterator each time we loop **(click)**
- Once we have that next item, we can execute whatever the body of our `for` loop is supposed to do **(click)**
- And if we get a `StopIteration` exception while we're asking for the next item **(click)**, we know it's time to stop looping *(pause)*
- **(click)** We've just re-invented a `for` loop by using a `while` loop and iterators
- This code pretty much defines the way looping works under the hood in Python
- If you understand the way the built-in `iter` and `next` functions work for looping over things, you understand how Python's `for` loops work
The Iterator Protocol
for n in numbers:
x, y, z = coordinates
a, b, *rest = numbers
unique_numbers = set(numbers)
- In fact this is a little bit more than just how `for` loops work.
- **The iterator protocol** is a very fancy sounding way of saying "how looping works in Python"
- It's essentially the definition of the way the `iter` and `next` functions work in Python, which is what we just saw
- The iterator protocol is the thing that powers *all* forms of iteration in Python
- **(click)** For loops use the iterator protocol
- **(click)** Multiple assignment also uses the iterator protol
- **(click)** star expressions use it
- **(click)** many built-in functions rely on the iterator protocol
- Anything in Python that works with an *iterable* probably uses the iterator protocol in some way
- Any time you're looping over an iterable, you're relying on the iterator protocol
I lied
- So I haven't quite been telling you the truth... at least not the whole truth
- There's something pretty *important* that I've neglected to mention so far...
Iterators are iterables
>>> numbers = [1, 2, 3]
>>> iterator = iter(numbers)
>>> iterator2 = iter(iterator)
>>> iterator2
<listiterator object at 0x7f92db9bf350>
>>> iterator is iterator2
- **Iterators** are also **iterables**
- Which means that we can get an iterator from an *iterator* using the built-in `iter` function **(click)**
- Just like we can with any other iterable **(click)**
- So we can also call `iter` on an *iterator* to ask **it** for an iterator
- When we *do that* **(click)** , it will give us **itself** back **(click)**
- Iterators are iterables and their iterator is themselves
- Iterators are their own iterators
Iterators are their own iterators
def is_iterator(iterable):
return iter(iterable) is iterable
- This fact that I've neglected to mention so far, that iterators are also iterables... this is the last key part of Python's **iterator protocol**
- If you ask an iterable for an iterator and it gives you *itself* back, that iterable **must** be also an iterator
- All iterators are iterables
- And all iterators are their own iterators
- Who's confused right now?
- Who wants me to say the words iterator and iterable a few more times?
- The similarity between these words makes talking about these stuff a little confusing sometimes
- So iterables are something you can loop over.
- Iterators are the thing that helps you loop over an iterable.
- But iterators are *also* something you can loop over. All iterators are also iterables.
- Let's talk about why that matters
Iterators are single-purposed
>>> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 5, 7]
>>> iterator = iter(numbers)
>>> len(iterator)
TypeError: object of type 'list_iterator' has no len()
>>> iterator[0]
TypeError: 'list_iterator' object is not subscriptable
>>> next(iterator)
>>> list(iterator)
[2, 3, 5, 7]
>>> list(iterator)
- So iterators are iterables, but they have no idea how many items they contain
- **(click)** So they have no length
- **(click)** They also can't be indexed
- The only things you can do with iterators are:
- call `next` on them **(click)**
- and loop over them **(click)**
- And if we loop over an iterator a second time, we'll get nothing back **(click)**
- You can think of iterators are **lazy iterables** that can be looped over **one time only**
- Iterators are lazy iterables that can *only* be looped over once, and then they're done
The truth
Iterable ✔️ ❓
Iterator ✔️ ✔️
Generator ✔️ ✔️
List ✔️ ❌
- So some quick review
- So iterables are not necessarily iterators
- But iterators are always iterables
- For example generators are iterators
- But lists are not iterators
- Iterables are not *always* iterators, but iterators *are* always iterables
So...why do we care?
- Okay this is all a little bit confusing
- And I still haven't really answered the question of...
- Do we really need to know any of this?
Iterators enable laziness
Iterators allow for lazily evaluated iterables
Iterators allow for infinitely long iterables
Iterators allow us to save memory and (sometimes) time
- So there are some very good reasons for understanding the iterator protocol in Python
- **(click)** Understanding iterators will allow *you* to be lazy and they will allow *your code* to be lazy
- Iterators allow us to both *work with* and *create* **lazy iterables** that don't do *any work* until we *ask them* for their **next item**
- **(click)** Because we can create lazy iterables, we can make **infinitely long** iterables
- **(click)** And we can create iterables that are conservative with system resources, that save us memory of save us time
Iterators are everywhere
>>> letters = ['a', 'b']
>>> next(enumerate(letters))
(0, 'a')
>>> next(zip(letters, letters))
('a', 'a')
>>> next(open('hello.txt'))
'hello world\n'
- You've already seen lots of iterators in Python
- I've already mentioned that generators are iterators
- **(click)** `enumerate` objects are also iterators
- **(click)** and so are `zip` objects
- **(click)** and a number of other objects including files
- There are lots of iterators built-in to Python, in the standard library, and in third-party libraries that you use all the time
- These iterators **all** act like **lazy iterables**
- They don't do any work, until you start looping them
Creating your own iterator
class square_all:
def __init__(self, numbers):
self.numbers = iter(numbers)
def __next__(self):
return next(self.numbers) ** 2
def __iter__(self):
return self
def square_all(numbers):
for n in numbers:
yield n**2
def square_all(numbers):
return (n**2 for n in numbers)
- So it's useful to know that you're already using iterators
- But I'd like you to know that you can use iterators to create *your own* lazy iterables **(click)**
- This class makes an iterator that accepts an *iterable of numbers* and squares each of those numbers
- but it doesn't do any work until we start looping over it
- This iterator works, but we *don't* usually make iterators this way with classes
- Usually when we want to make a custom iterator, we make a generator function **(click)**
- This generator function is equivalent to that class
- *(pause)* That `yield` statement probably seem magical, but it is *very* powerful: that `yield` allows us to put our generator on pause between `next` calls
- *(pause)* Another way we could implement this same iterator is with a generator expression **(click)**
- This does the same thing as that generator function but it uses a syntax that looks like a list comprehension
- If you need to make a lazy iterable, think of iterators... and consider making a generator function or a generator expression
think lazy
hours_worked = 0
for event in events:
if event.is_billable():
hours_worked += event.duration
billable_times = (
for event in events
if event.is_billable()
hours_worked = sum(billable_times)
- once you've embraced the idea of lazy iterables, you'll find that there are lots of possibilities for discovering or creating helper functions that assist you in looping over iterables and processing data
- **(click)** This is a for loop that sums up all billable hours in a Django queryset
- **(click)** This is the same thing using a generator expression for lazy evaluation
- These two blocks of code do the same thing
- Notice that the structure of this code is fundamentally different
- We're able to use the `sum` function in the bottom example because we have a lazy iterable to work with
- Iterators allow you to fundamentally change the way you structure your code
Think lazy
for i, line in enumerate(log_file):
if i >= 10:
from itertools import islice
first_ten_lines = islice(log_file, 10)
for line in first_ten_lines:
- **[20 MINUTES]**
- **(click)** This code prints out the first ten lines of a log file
- **(click)** This code does the same thing
- That `first_ten_lines` thing is an iterator
- This iterator allowed us to *name* something that **didn't previously have a name**ng
- We've given a variable name to `first_ten_lines`, which makes our code more descriptive
- We've also gotten rid of the need for that ugly `break` statement we had in our first loop
Think Lazy
previous = readings[0]
for current in readings[1:]:
differences.append(current - previous)
previous = current
from my_fancy_utils_module import with_previous
differences = []
for previous, current in with_previous(readings):
differences.append(current - previous)
- **(click)** This code makes a list of the differences between consecutive values in a sequence
- Notice that this code has an extra variable that we need to assign each time we loop
- **(click)** This is the same code but we're using a generator function that we made up
- Notice that this code doesn't have awkward variable assignments hanging around our loop... the `with_previous` generator function handles that for us
def with_previous(iterable):
"""Yield (previous, current) tuples, starting with second."""
iterator = iter(iterable)
previous = next(iterator)
for item in iterator:
yield previous, item
previous = item
- In case you're curious what that mysterious generator function looks like, here's a plausible version of it
- Notice that we're manually getting an iterator from our iterable and calling `next` on it to grab the first item.
- This function works not just with sequences, but with any type of iterable
- I'm not going to step through this. You can take a closer look on my slides later.
Looping Problems
- At this point we're ready to jump back **(click)** to those odd examples we saw earlier and try to figure out what was going on
Looping Twice
>>> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 5, 7]
>>> squares = (n**2 for n in numbers)
>>> tuple(squares)
(1, 4, 9, 25, 49)
>>> sum(squares)
>>> tuple(squares)
- Here we have a generator object, `squares`
- If we pass this generator to the `tuple` constructor **(click)**, we'll get a tuple of its items back **(click)**
- If we then try to compute the `sum` of the numbers in this generator **(click)**, we'll get `0` **(click)**
- This generator is now empty: we've exhausted it **(click)**
- If we try to make a tuple out of it again **(click)**, we'll get an empty tuple **(click)**
- Generators are iterators
- And recall that iterators are like Hello Kitty PEZ dispensers that cannot be reloaded
- Once we run out of PEZ, the dispenser is forever empty
Containment Checking
>>> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 5, 7]
>>> squares = (n**2 for n in numbers)
>>> 9 in squares
>>> 9 in squares
>>> squares = (n**2 for n in numbers)
>>> 9 in squares
>>> list(squares)
[25, 49]
- If we ask whether `9` is in this `squares` generator **(click)**, we'll get `True` **(click)**
- If we ask the same question again **(click)**, we'll get `False` **(click)**
- When we ask whether `9` is in this generator, Python has to loop over this generator to find `9` **(click)**
- If we kept looping over it after checking for `9`, we'll only get the last two numbers because we've already consumed the numbers before this point **(click)**
- Asking whether something is *contained* in an iterator will partially consume the iterator **(click)**
- *Remember* that iterators are like one-directional tally-counters without a reset button
- There is no way to know whether something is in an iterator without starting to loop over it
>>> counts = {'apples': 2, 'oranges': 1}
>>> for key in counts:
... print(key)
>>> x, y = counts
>>> x, y
('apples', 'oranges')
- When you *loop* over dictionaries **(click)** you get keys **(click)**
- Looping relies on the iterator protocol
- Iterable unpacking also relies on the iterator protocol **(click)**
- Unpacking a dictionary is really the same as looping over the dictionary **(click)**
- Both use the iterator protocol, so you get the same result in both cases