Lazy Looping

The Next Iteration

/ @treyhunner

Python Morsels


Find logged errors (with context)

with open('logs.txt') as log_file:
    prev = line = None
    for next in log_file:
        next = next.rstrip('\n')
        if line and 'error' in line.lower():
            print(prev, line, next, sep='\n')
        prev, line = line, next
    if line and 'error' in line.lower():
        print(prev, line, None, sep='\n')

Lazy Looping

What are iterables and iterators?


An iterable is anything you can loop over.

for thing in my_iterable:


The thing that powers iterables

A special kind of "lazy" iterable

Loop Better

a deeper look at iteration in Python

/ @treyhunner

Files are iterators

>>> my_file = open("my_file.txt")
>>> next(my_file)
'This is line 1 of the file'
>>> next(my_file)
'This is line 2 of the file'
>>> for line in my_file:
...     print(line, end="")
This is line 3 of the file
This is line 4 (the end of the file)
>>> list(my_file)

Iterators are lazy

  • They compute their next value as you loop over them
  • They might not store any values "inside" themselves at all

How do you create iterators?

def denumerate(iterable):
    n = -1
    values = []
    for item in iterable:
        values.append((n, item))
        n -= 1
    return values

>>> colors = ['pink', 'green', 'purple', 'blue']
>>> for n, color in denumerate(colors):
...     print(n, color)
-1 pink
-2 green
-3 purple
-4 blue

def denumerate(iterable):
    n = -1
    values = []
    for item in iterable:
        values.append((n, item))
        n -= 1
    return values

def denumerate(iterable):
    n = -1

    for item in iterable:
        yield (n, item)
        n -= 1


Generator function

def denumerate(iterable):
    n = -1
    for item in iterable:
        yield (n, item)
        n -= 1

>>> colors = ['pink', 'green', 'purple', 'blue']
>>> items = denumerate(colors)
>>> next(items)
(-1, 'pink')
>>> list(e)
[(-2, 'green'), (-3, 'purple'), (-4, 'blue')]
>>> list(e)

def gimme_five():
    return 5

def denumerate(iterable):
    n = -1
    for item in iterable:
        yield (n, item)
        n -= 1


>>> x = gimme_five()
>>> x
>>> y = denumerate(["purple", "blue", "pink"])
>>> y
<generator object denumerate at 0x7febbdeaae58>

def denumerate(iterable):
    n = -1
    for item in iterable:
        print('about to yield')
        yield (n, item)
        n -= 1
    print('all done!')

>>> for n, color in denumerate(["purple", "pink"]):
...     print(f"Color {n} is {color}")
about to yield
Color -1 is purple
about to yield
Color -2 is pink
all done!

Generators (and iterators) do work as you loop over them

    When asked for their next item:
  • They do work to figure out that item
  • Yield that item to the loop they're in
  • And put themselves on pause until asked for another item

>>> def square_all(numbers):
...     for n in numbers:
...         yield n**2
>>> numbers = [2, 1, 3, 4, 7, 11]
>>> squares = square_all(numbers)
>>> squares
<generator object square_all at 0x7f11191b78b8>
>>> squares = (n**2 for n in numbers)
>>> squares_list = [n**2 for n in numbers]
>>> squares_list
[4, 1, 9, 16, 49, 121]
>>> squares
<generator object <genexpr> at 0x7f78f87af0c0>

How to make iterators

  1. Write a generator function (calling it returns an iterator)
  2. Make a generator expression (which makes an iterator)
  3. Make an iterator class

How are iterators used?

Looping over iterators

squares = (n**2 for n in range(1000))
total = 0
for n in squares:
    total += n

total = sum((n**2 for n in range(1000)))

total = sum(n**2 for n in range(1000))

Wrapping iterators in iterators

import csv
with open('expenses.csv') as expenses_file:
    expense_rows = csv.reader(expenses_file)
    travel_costs = sum((
        for date, merchant, cost, category in expense_rows
        if category == 'travel'

What do you do with iterators?

  1. Wrap another iterator around them by
    • passing them to a generator function
    • creating a generator expression
    • calling another iterator-returning function
  2. Loop over them, but only once
    • writing a for loop or a list comprehension
    • calling another function that will do the looping

The Problem: Revisited

Find logged errors (with context)

with open('logs.txt') as log_file:
    prev = line = None
    for next in log_file:
        next = next.rstrip('\n')
        if line and 'error' in line.lower():
            print(prev, line, next, sep='\n')
        prev, line = line, next
    if line and 'error' in line.lower():
        print(prev, line, None, sep='\n')

Find logged errors (with context)

with open('logs.txt') as log_file:
    for prev, line, next in around(strip_newlines(log_file)):
        if 'error' in line.lower():
            print(prev, line, next, sep='\n')

def around(iterable):
    """Yield (prev, item, next) for each item in iterable."""
    before = current = None
    for after in iterable:
        if current is not None:
            yield (before, current, after)
        before, current = current, after
    if current is not None:
        yield (before, current, None)

def strip_newlines(lines):
    for line in lines:
        yield line.rstrip('\n')

with open('logs.txt') as log_file:
    for prev, line, next in around(strip_newlines(log_file)):
        if 'error' in line.lower():
            print(prev, line, next, sep='\n')

Code you don't need to write

Pre-written lazy looping helpers

  • enumerate
  • zip
  • reversed
  • any and all
  • Everything in the itertools module
  • Third-party libraries: more-itertools and boltons

def around(iterable):
    """Yield (prev, item, next) for each item in iterable."""
    before = current = None
    for after in iterable:
        if current is not None:
            yield (before, current, after)
        before, current = current, after
    if current is not None:
        yield (before, current, None)

from itertools import chain
from more_itertools import windowed

def around(iterable):
    """Yield (prev, item, next) for each item in iterable."""
    return windowed(chain([''], iterable, ['']), size=3)

Words are hard

  • Iterator: lazy single-use iterable
  • Generator function: a syntax for easily creating iterators
  • Generator expression: comprehension which returns a generator instead of a list
  • Generator object (aka generator): an iterator created from a generator function (or a generator expression)
generator function
generator object generator
generator expression
generator comprehension
"Calling a generator function returns a generator" - Luciano Ramalho in Fluent Python (page 429)
generator function
generator object generator
generator expression
generator comprehension
"Calling a generator function returns a generator" - Luciano Ramalho in Fluent Python (page 429)
  • Iterators are lazy single-use iterables
  • Generators are the "easy" way to make an iterator
  • There are lots of lazy looping helpers included with Python and in third-party libraries
  • Iterators help make more more memory-efficient code
  • Wrapping iterators-in-iterators can break up big and scary loops into small understandable steps

Lazy Looping in Python

Making and Using Generators and Iterators

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Trey Hunner
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