Python Oddities Explained 🤔

Hello! 👋

This page contains resources I recommended and sources of inspiration for my Python Oddities Explained talk. You'll also find slides, a recording of this talk, and some information about my Python skill-building service, Python Morsels.

If you'd like to keep up with my work, you can find details on me at the bottom of this page.

The slides 💻

You can find the slides for the talk at

Go see the slides!

Recording of this talk 🎥

You can watch a recording of this talk from PyCon US 2022.

Related resources 📚

Even more oddities ⁉

I've tweeted many of the oddities in this talk over the years, as well as dozens more that were not in this talk. Some of these tweets started interesting discussion threads.

Here are two ways to look at #pythonoddity tweets that I've created and collected over the years:

You can find me presenting some of these slides in this live online presentation I gave for the PyHouston meetup.

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Trey Hunner smiling in a t-shirt against a yellow wall

My name is Trey. I help Python developers level-up their skills through corporate training and habit-based learning. I also share my favorite Python insights via email every couple weeks.

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