Trey Hunner

I help developers level-up their Python skills

Hire Me For Training


What I do

I help organizations dive deeper into Python, through custom-fit team training. My training sessions are exercise-heavy, with a focus on code quality and learning-by-doing.

I also help individuals dive deeper into Pythonic coding through my Python skill-building service, Python Morsels.

I've done consulting in both Python and Django since 2009 and I've been focused exclusively on training and teaching since 2015.

I've been a director at the Python Software Foundation, a Django Girls workshop co-organizer, and a speaker at a number of conferences. I love the Python community, I love the Python language, and I absolutely love teaching Python.

How I can help you

If your Python team is looking to strike a balance between maintainable code and experimenting with new and exciting features, I'd love to chat with you. You can schedule a team learning strategy call with me here.

If you're an individual and you'd like to level up your Python skills, sign up for Python Morsels.

Stay in touch

The best way to stay in touch is to subscribe to my weekly Python tips newsletter (same newsletter as the sign up form below).

You can also find me on Mastodon, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. My name is unique so if you see "Trey Hunner" online, it's very likely me.

If you'd like to send me an email, you can find me at trey at truthful dot technology.

The best way to keep in touch with me is to sign up for my email newsletter. I send out about 4-5 emails per month about Python, the Python community, and team learning.

Sign up for my weekly Python tips

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Need to fill-in gaps in your Python skills? I send regular emails designed to do just that.