Trey Hunner

I help developers level-up their Python skills

Hire Me For Training

Talks & Workshops


    Long-Form Talks

    I prefer 5 minute lightning talks and 3 hour workshops, but I do also sometimes give long-form 25-30 minute talks. You can find a few of my recorded talks below.

    Meaningful Mentoring Moments

    In this talk we'll discuss how to be a good coach at a programming workshop or while coaching a new hire.

    You can find slides and related resources here.

    Lazy Looping: The Next Iteration

    In this talk we take a look at how generators can help us write more readable (and more efficient) looping code.

    You can find slides and related resources here.

    Python Oddities Explained

    In this talk we dive into some common (and not so common) gotchas in Python. This talk was heavily inspired by questions asked by my corporate training students and tweets I made on the #pythonoddity hashtag.

    You can find slides and related resources here.

    Loop Better: a deeper look at iteration in Python

    In this talk we take a look at how Python's for loops work under the hood and in the process we learn about iterables, iterators, and lazy looping in Python.

    You can find the Loop Better slides here.

    Easier Classes: Python Classes Without All the Cruft

    This is a tour of some of the built-in and third-party tools that make class creation a bit easier in Python.

    You can find slides and related resources here.

    Comprehensible Comprehensions

    This talk is on list comprehensions and generator expressions in Python. In this talk we take a look at how why Python has comprehensions, how they work, how to make them readable, and when to turn comprehensions into generator expressions.

    You can find the Comprehensible Comprehension slides here.

    Readability Counts

    In this talk we take a look at a few different important aspects of code style in Python.

    You can find the Readability Counts slides here.

    Python 2 to 3: How to Upgrade and What Features to Start Using

    This talk explores the process of upgrading from Python 2 to Python 3 and the process and tours the tools that can help with this process.

    You can find the Python 2 to 3 slides here.

    Workshops & Tutorials

    Interactive workshops and tutorials are my preferred in-person teaching style. Recorded workshops aren't as valuable as the in-person experience, but they can still be valuable! You can take a look at a few recordings of my workshops past below.

    Using List Comprehensions and Generator Expressions for Data Processing

    This is a 3 hour tutorial I taught at PyCon 2018 on some Python-specific looping constructs that are particularly helpful when processing data. The workshop material can be found at

    Lazy Looping in Python

    This is a 3 hour tutorial I taught at PyCon 2019 on iterators and generators. The workshop material can be found at

    Readable Regular Expressions

    This is a 3 hour tutorial I taught at PyCon 2017 on regular expressions. We discussed what regular expressions are good for, how to write them, how they work in Python specifically, and some often overlooked techniques for making regular expressions more readable. The workshop material can be found at

    Hands-On Introduction to Python

    This is a 3 hour tutorial I taught at PyCon 2017 for new programmers. The workshop material can be found at

    Test-Driven Web Development with Django

    and at Ansir Innovation Center

    Volunteers from the San Diego Python group taught a Django using test-driven development. I organized and co-created much of the tutorial. All teaching material we used is available online.

    Lightning Talks

    I love giving lightning talks. I've done many lightning talks at various meetups and conferences over the years. Here are some of the lightning talks I've given that have been recorded.

    Mixing Tabs & Spaces

    at PyCon US 2016

    Give a Lightning Talk

    at DjangoCon US 2016

    JavaScript: Slightly more like Python

    at DjangoCon US 2015

    Reading Python Tracebacks

    at San Diego Python


    at sandiego.js
    Write more Pythonic code

    Need to fill-in gaps in your Python skills? I send regular emails designed to do just that.